Seminario de Investigación "Scars of War: the local Legacy of WWI Deaths on British Soldiers"

El seminario destinado a docentes, investigadores, becarios y estudiantes interesados en la temática, se realizó el viernes 9 de abril a las 12:30 horas por videoconferencia, y estuvo a cargo de Felipe Carozzi (London School of Economics).

Felipe Carozzi es profesor de Economía Urbana y Geografía Económica en la London School of Economics and Political Science (Reino Unido). Es PhD en Economía por el CEMFI (España). Su área de investigación es la economía urbana, economía política y la microeconomía aplicada. Su trabajo ha sido publicado en numerosas revistas académicas, como Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, entre otros.

Abstract: We study the local legacy of the WW1 mortality shock and its effects on British soldiers' behaviour in WW2. Using parish-level data we show localities that suffering more losses in WW1 also experienced more deaths in WW2. We then turn to individual level data from military records to show that WW2 soldiers born in these locations were more likely to die earlier and to be awarded a gallantry award. These effects are larger in parishes that have built a listed memorial, suggesting that the remembrance and commemoration of fallen soldiers prompts recruits to fight more aggressively and take additional risks in the battlefield. We confirm the robustness of our results using an instrumental-variable strategy based on the timing of soldier deaths during WWI.

Autores: Felipe Carozzi, Edward Pinchbeck y Luca Repetto

Organizan: Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Departamento de Economía y Revista Económica

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Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas

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+54 (0221) 4229383