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Política económica I - Programa
Campus Virtual


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HAYEK, F. "El cálculo socialista. La solución competitiva". En M. Bronstein. Oportunamente citado. Cap. 6.
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Mirar si podemos sacar algunos de esta introducción

*HINDRIKS, J. and MYLES, G. Intermediate Public Economics. The MIT Press, 2006, Cap.2.
*MAS-COLLEL, A., WHINSTON, M. AND GREEN, J. , Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University Press, 1995, Capítulo 15.
*R. TRESCH, Public Finance: A Normative Theory, Academic Press: San Diego, 2002, Chapter 2-3.
SILBERBERG, E., The Structure of Economics: A Mathematical Analysis (Second Edition), Mc Graw-Hill, 1990, Capítulos 16 y 17.
JONES, R. "The Simple Structure of General Equilibrium Models". Journal of Political Economy. 1965.
STARR, R., General Equilibrium Theory: An Introduction, Cambrigde University Press: Cambridge, 1997, Capítulo 1.
VARIAN, H., Microeconomic Analysis (Third Edition), Norton, 1992, Capítulos 17 y 18.

*B. R. BINGER AND E. HOFFMAN, Microeconomics with Calculus (Second Edition), Addison-Wesley: Reading, 1998, Capítulo 21.
*A.M. FELDMAN, Welfare Economics and Social Choice Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, 1980, Capítulos 5 y 6.
*R. CORNES AND T. SANDLER (1996), The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods and Club Goods, New York: Cambridge University Press, Capítulos 3,4,6,7,11 y 12.
*R. TRESCH (2002), Public Finance: A Normative Theory, Academic Press: San Diego, Chapters 5,6,7.
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G. D. MYLES, Public Economics. Cambridge University Press, 1995, Cap. 9-10.
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SANDMO, A., “Public Goods”, en The New Palgrave: Allocation, Information and Markets, W.W. Norton: New York, 1987.
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* AHUMADA, H., ARTANA, D. Y NAVAJAS, F. “Tributación, contrabando y adulteración. Estimaciones de las ventas ilegales de cigarrillos y combustibles en la Argentina”. En FIEL La economía oculta en la Argentina. Manantial, 2000.
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* ARTANA, D., LÓPEZ MURPHY, R. y NAVAJAS, F. “A Fiscal Policy Agenda”. En Kuczynski y Williamson (Eds.) After the Washington Consensus. Restarting Growth and Reform in Latin America. Institute for International Economics, Washington, 2003.
* ARTANA, D. y I. TEMPLADO “Tax effort in Argentina” (mimeo) 2010.
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* TOPEL, R. and WELCH, F.  "Unemployment Insurance: Survey and Extensions". Económica l980, pp. 351 379.
* CUTLER, D. “Where are the health care entrepreneurs? The failure of organizational innovation in health care” NBER Working Paper 16030, May 2010.
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FELDSTEIN, P.J. Health Care Economics. Sixth Edition. Delmar Publishers.
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URBIZTONDO, S. y S. AUGUSTE, “La reforma previsional en la Argentina y en América Latina: Un diagnóstico alternativo de sus problemas más críticos”. Noviembre de 2004.

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* BOADWAY, R. y M. KEEN, “Theoretical perspectives on resource tax design”. IMF. September 2008.
* CARLTON, D. “Barriers to Entry”. NBER Working paper. No. 11645. September 2005.
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VARIAN, H. “High Technology Industries and Market Structure”. En Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas. Economic Policy for the Information Economy. 2001. Ver también en el mismo volumen los comentarios de Brynjolfsson, E. y Murphy, K a este trabajo.

* SABEL, CHARLES (2009) “What Industrial Policy is Becoming: Taiwan, Ireland and Finland as Guides to the Future of Industrial Policy” Columbia Law School
*Hausmann, R., Rodrik, D. and Velasco, A. (2005), “Growth Diagnostics,” John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, March.
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