Cuerpo docente
Política económica II - Programa
Campus Virtual

1. El economista y la política económica.

  • Blinder A. (2005), “Economic Advice and Political Decisions: A Clash of Civilizations?”, CEPS Working Paper No. 112, Julio.
  • Chari V. y P. Kehoe (2006), "Modern Macroeconomics in Practice: How Theory Is Shaping Policy", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 20, No. 4, páginas 3-28.
  • Jones N. y C. Walsh (2008), “Policy briefs as a communication tool for development research”, Overseas Development Institute Policy Brief, Mayo.
  • Keloharju M. (2006), “What´s New in Finance?”, a publicarse en European Financial Management.
  • Kim H., A. Morse y L. Zingales (2006), "What Has Mattered to Economics Since 1970", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.20, No. 4, páginas 189-202.
  • Mankiw G. (2006), “The Macroeconomist as Scientist and Engineer”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.20, No. 4, páginas 29-46.
  • ODI (2004), “Bridging Research and Policy in International Development”, Overseas Development Institute Policy Brief, Octubre.
  • Varian H. (1989), “What Use is Economic Theory?”, mimeo, University of California at Berkeley.

2. Estadísticas, econometría y política económica.


  • Beck T. (2008), “The Econometrics of Finance and Growth”, mimeo, World Bank.
  • Bryan M. and L. Molloy (2007), “Mirror, Mirror, Who’s the Best Forecaster of Them All?”, mimeo, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Marzo.
  • Elkhoury M. (2008), “Credit Rating Agencies and their Potential Impact on Developing Countries”, UNCTAD Discussion Paper No. 186, Enero.
  • Kennedy P. (2002), “Sinning in the basement: What are the rules? The Ten Commandments of Applied Econometrics”, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 16, No.4, páginas 569-589.
  • Pons-Novell J. (2003), “Strategic Bias, Herding Behaviour and Economic Forecasts”, Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 22.
  • Rodriguez, F. (2007), “Policymakers Beware: The Use and Misuse of Regressions in Explaining Economic Growth”, Policy Research Brief No. 5, International Poverty Center, Noviembre.

3. Racionalidad, comportamiento y política económica.

  • Akerlof G. (2007), “The Missing Motivation in Macroeconomics”, Presidential Address to the American Economic Association, Enero.
  • Barberis N. y R. Thaler (2003), “A Survey of Behavioral Finance”, en Constantinides G., M. Harris y R. Stulz, Handbook of the Economics of Finance, Elsevier.
  • Benartzi S. y R. Thaler (2007), "Heuristics and Biases in Retirement Savings Behavior", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 21, No. 3, páginas 81-104.
  • Di Tella R. y R. MacCulloch (2006), "Some Uses of Happiness Data in Economics", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 20, No. 1, páginas 25-46.
  • Tapia W. y J. Yermo (2007), “Implications of Behavioural Economics for Mandatory Individual Account Pension Systems”, OECD Working Papers on Insurance and Private Pensions No. 11, Julio.

4. El papel de las instituciones en la política económica.

  • Acemoglu D., S. Johnson, P. Querubin y J. Robinson (2008), “When Does Policy Reform Work? The Case of Central Bank Independence”, NBER Working Paper No. 14033, Mayo.
  • Cecchetti S. (2008), “Crisis and Responses: The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008”, NBER Working Paper No. 14134, June.
  • Djankov S., C. McLeish y A. Shleifer (2006), “Private Credit in 129 Countries”, mimeo, World Bank.
  • Epstein S. (2004), “Property Rights to Technical Knowledge in Premodern Europe, 1300 –1800”, American Economic Review, Vol. 94, No.2, páginas 382-387.
  • Golinelli R. y G. Parigi (2003), “What is this Thing Called Confidence? A Comparative Analysis of Consumer Confidence Indexes in Australia, Europe and the US”, mimeo.
  • Granovetter M. (2005), "The Impact of Social Structure on Economic Outcomes", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 19, páginas 33-50.
  • Jácome L. y F. Vázquez (2005), “Any Link Between Legal Central Bank Independence and Inflation?: Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean”, IMF Working Paper No. 05/75.
  • Ludvigson S. (2004), “Consumer Confidence and Consumer Spending”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 18, No.2.
  • Mesa-Lago C. (2004), “La reforma de pensiones en América Latina”, en K. Hujo, C. Mesa-Lago y M. Nitsch, ¿Públicos o privados? Los sistemas de pensiones en América Latina después de dos décadas de reformas, Nueva Sociedad, Caracas.
  • Shah H. (1997), “Towards Better Regulation of Private Pension Funds”, Working Paper No. 1791, Banco Mundial, Mayo.
  • Svensson J. (2005), "Eight Questions about Corruption", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 19, No. 3, páginas 19-42.
  • Universidad Di Tella (2008), Indice de Confianza del Consumidor e Indice de Confianza en el gobierno.
  • Williamson, O. (2000), “The New Institutional Economics: Taking stock, looking ahead”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 38, páginas 595-613.

5. Debates abiertos en política económica

5.1 Causas y consecuencias de la economía informal

  • Djankov S., I. Lieberman, J. Mukherjee y T. Nenova (2002), “Going Informal: Benefits and Costs”, mimeo, World Bank.
  • Gasparini L. y L. Tornarolli (2007), “Labor Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean: Patterns and Trends from Household Survey Microdata”, Documento de Trabajo No. 46, CEDLAS, UNLP.
  • OECD (2004), “Informal Employment and Promoting the Transition to a Salaried Economy”, OECD Employment Outlook, Capítulo 5.
  • Rodrik D. (2000), “Growth and Poverty Reduction: What Are the Real Questions?”, Finance and Development, FMI.

5.2 Fuentes de financiamiento de la inversión empresaria

  • Bebczuk R. (2003), Asymmetric Information in Financial Markets: Introduction and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Reino Unido, capítulos 3 y 5.
  • Bebczuk R. y L. Garegnani (2007), “Autofinanciamiento y crecimiento”, Ensayos Económicos, No. 47, Banco Central de la República Argentina.
  • Bebczuk R. y K. Schmidt-Hebbel (2007), “La paradoja de Feldstein-Horioka: Una nueva visión a nivel de sectores institucionales”, Ensayos Económicos, No. 46, Banco Central de la República Argentina.

5.3 Políticas de apoyo crediticio a las pequeñas y medianas empresas

  • Bebczuk R. (2008), “SME Access to Credit in Guatemala and Nicaragua: Challenging Conventional Wisdom with New Evidence”, mimeo, Banco Mundial.
  • Bebczuk R. (2008), “Financial Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Review and Lessons”, Documento de Trabajo No. 68, CEDLAS.

5.4 Determinantes del consumo y la tasa de ahorro nacional

  • Loayza N., K. Schmidt-Hebbel y L. Servén (2002), “What Drives Private Saving around the World?”, mimeo, World Bank.

5.5 Efectos de las crisis financieras y los defaults soberanos

  • Aizenman J. (2004), "Financial Opening and Development: Evidence and Policy Controversies", American Economic Review, Vol. 94, no. 2,  páginas 65-70.
  • Bebczuk R. (2004), “Real Effects of Financial Crises”, mimeo, BID, secciones 4 y 5.
  • IPES (2007), Informe sobre el Progreso Económico y Social, BID, capítulo 12.
  • Mendoza E. y M. Terrones (2008), “An Anatomy of Credit Booms: Evidence from Macro Aggregates and Micro Data”, NBER Working Paper No. 14049, Mayo.
  • Reinhart C. y K. Rogoff (2004), "Serial Default and the "Paradox" of Rich-to-Poor Capital Flows", American Economic Review, Vol. 94, No. 2, páginas 53-58.

5.6 Efectos del régimen cambiario y el tipo de cambio real

  • Eichengreen B. (2004), “Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth”, Working Paper No. 4, Commission on Growth and Development, Australia.
  • Frankel J. (2003), “Experience of and Lessons from Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging Economies”, mimeo, Harvard University.


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