Student mobility by collective agreement
If the UNLP has an agreement with your university, you will be able to spend one or two consecutive terms in our institution, attending classes regularly.
If you are interested in this type of mobility, submit your application online taking into account the specific deadlines set by the UNLP.
Before submitting your application
1. The first step is to access the study programme of the course you wish to study in the School of Economic Sciences here: . The subjects in each course are taken half-yearly.
2. Consider the term when the subject is taught.
3. The academic year in the UNLP starts in March and ends in December.
- First Term: from March to July
- Second Term: from August to December
- Summer Holidays: January and first two weeks of February
- Winter Holidays: two weeks in July
4. You can take a maximum of four subjects per term, since each one consists of a heavy weekly class load in which attendance is compulsory. Each subject includes practical and theoretical classes.
5. Courses in the UNLP are validated by hours of attendance as well as a classwork mark on a scale of 1 to 10. This validation will be approved by the student's university according to its policy on validation.
6. Letters of acceptance will be sent by email.
The application system will be active in the fixed dates. Untimely applications will not be considered.
Online Application
You can submit your application on the following dates:
- For First Term subjects (March-July): from September 20th to October 12th.
- For Second Term subjects (August-December): from April 20th to May 12th.
Applications must be printed and sent by email to along with the following documents:
- Policies of the UNLP (duly signed and sealed by all parties).
- Psychophysical test (duly signed and sealed by a doctor).
- Copy of passport.
- Application letter of the student's home university.
In addition, upon entering the country, a copy of the life insurance, repatriation and health certificates must be submitted, stating the name of the beneficiary and the period of coverage. It is highly recommended to contact the insurance company before travelling in order to learn about how to proceed if necessary.
Independent student mobility
Students from universities without cooperation agreement with the UNLP will not be admitted.
If you wish to apply, contact the international relations office at your university expressing your interest in order to consider the possibility of signing an agreement between both institutions in the future.
Student mobility by programme
The UNLP takes part in a number of associations, networks and organisations which develop exchange programmes which allow students to spend an academic stay in our institution for a term. These include the following:
- ESCALA Estudiantil Programme, from Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo.
- Colombia-Argentina Academic Mobility Programme (MACA).
- Academic Programme of Student Mobility (PAME).
If you interested in taking part in any of these programmes, you must take into account the application deadlines, forms and proceedings for each of them, as well as the specifications of the international relations office from your university.
E-mail: |
Telephone: 4236769 /71/72 int 115
Office: 4th Floor | 117.
School of Economic Sciences | Universidad Nacional de La Plata